More filters
  • Cloud
  • More filters

    As a JSM Help Center customer, you can filter the results in the report using any of the additional filters based on the columns displayed in Manage Columns menu.

    The required additional filter can be searched via the search box within the filter.

    Customers can select multiple values.

    After selecting values, the Clear selected items option appears and all values can be cleared/deselected at once.

    Additional filtering by the following columns is not applicable/available:

     If the user is part of any Organization/s, in all filters related to User fields (Reporter, Creator, Assignee, etc.), s/he will see a list of only those users who are part of the same Organization/s within the project.

    filter-More filters.png
    Advanced Requests Report → Customer portal
    filter-More filters-2.png
    Advanced Requests Report → Customer portal