✏️ Tips&Tricks for JSM admins
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    The Advanced Portal Reports for JSM has two main parts:

    1. Advanced Requests Report

    2. Expose additional fields on Request view

    Advanced Requests Report

    As a JSM administrator, you can:

    • configure and share request details to JSM Help Center customers via the Advanced Requests Report

    • allow JSM Help Center customers to export their reports 

    As a JSM Help Center customer, you can:

    • get insight into the work done for your requests

    • view specific request details

    • export detailed reports in Excel or CSV formats

    Expose additional fields on Request view

    As a JSM administrator, you can:

    • expose additional fields (SLAs, Insight/Asset fields including) per project to be displayed on the portal ticket listing

    As a JSM Help Center customer, you can:

    • see additional fields (SLAs, Insight/Asset fields including) for each portal ticket

    For JSM administrators → Global configuration

    Set the right Date format for your JSM Help Center customers

    You can access the Advanced Portal Reports global configuration in the Jira administration settings (upper right corner of your screen) by selecting the Apps option. In the left sidebar menu look for the Global configuration tab.

    In this configuration there is a date format option that is set by default and you can always select your personal preferences for configuration. Here’s our tip for you:

    Learn more in the documentation: Global configuration

    Tip: Date format

    If your customers are using a very specific date format you can choose that format and set it globally for all JSM projects.

    For JSM administrators → Project configuration

    Show any Custom field on JSM Help Center

    You can access the project configuration of Advanced Portal Reports from the Project settings in Jira. There, you can select what fields to be visible to your customers for the project.

    Advanced Report on the customer portal

    To configure the fields that your customers are using on the portal, you can select those fields to be visible in the Advanced Report on the portal. Adding the fields allows your JSM Help Center customers to see their values, search and filter by them. Here’s our tip for you.





    Learn more in the documentation: Expose custom fields on the portal

    Trick: Custom fields

    The JSM administrator can select a custom field and assign an appropriate value for it (example: a text value or a number that can be later on used for searching) in the request. After that the administrator can select the same custom field to be visible in the report on the portal so that the customers can search and filter by the values of this custom field.


    Тhe administrator can use a text custom field called "Development Team" and assign different values for different requests that will show which development team is supposed to work on that request. Then the customers can use the different "Development Team" values to search and filter by those values in the portal report. This way they can get various information, for example, which request tasks are assigned to development team A or B.

    For JSM administrators → Provide your JSM Help Center customers with instructions how to use Advanced Requests Reports.

    Train your customers

    Here are some helpful tips of how to train your JSM Help Center customers so that they can search and export in the report on the portal as well as see more additional fields on the request page with Advanced Portal Report for JSM.

    If you are a JSM administrator of a project or any Jira administrator who wants to provide and train their customers, here are some helpful thoughts on how to do it.

    Tip: Train your customers

    You can develop instructions where and how to find and use the Advanced Portal Reports for JSM on the portal, present and send them to your JSM Help Center customers.


    During the training you could share your screen and explain while showing every step you make.

    In your instructions you can include:

    • URL: How to reach the portal or a specific request.

    • Screenshot: Show your customer how the portal looks via screenshots

    • Screenshot: Where the button that opens Advanced Requests Reports is

    • Screenshot: Where your customers can find more information such as additional fields in the request view page

    Provide the instructions at the end of the training. Another idea is to record the training or make a short video and send it to the customers.

    You can also include a short explanation of how to search among requests. How to manage the settings and the filters and also how to export the report.

    In the end, don’t forget to ask your customers if they have any questions or if there is something they don’t understand.

    After all if you need some help with your training, we can always help. Just write to us at: addons@nemetschek.bg

    Advanced Tip: After performing your instructions / steps, ask one (or all of them) to repeat the same steps by themselves. That’s how they will get experience by the end of your training.

    Remember to keep it short and simple, your customers don’t need to be overwhelmed.

    For your JSM Help Center customers → Saved Views

    Create, name and save different report layouts

    Your JSM Help Center customers save their search and filter criteria with custom names within an easy list to access it later.

    Learn more in documentation: Saved Views

    Create unlimited sets of filters criteria.

    → 1. Save an already created set of search and filter criteria as а view.

    → 2. Give it a custom name.

    → 3. Access the saved custom view later.

    For your JSM Help Center customers

    Advanced search option

    The system automatically saves the latest filter and sorting options that have been made. The next time you open Advanced Portal Report, the filters and sorting will be populated automatically.

    Learn more in documentation: Search for requests

    Search options

    Get the best of the search option: Combine filters and sorting.


    Select the project you need, set the correct filters and then click to sort the needed column.