Search for requests: Data Center
  • Data Center
  • Search for requests: Data Center

    As a JSM Help Center customer, you can search through the requests using a specific text. Enter the text in the search box and click on Search button/hit Enter key. Your text will be searched through the Summary, Description, Reference, Reporter columns and any other columns that represent a custom text field.

    You can use the text field to search requests as required:

    • Summary: can search by specific text.

    • Description: can search by specific text.

    • other columns representing a custom text field: can search by specific text.

    • Reference (this is the column where the Issue Key is shown): need to search by the exact full value.

    • Reporter: need to search by the exact full value.

    When searching for a specific text, the search is performed on all text fields for the requests in the report such as Summary and Description fields (including a custom added field).

    You can search through the requests for a specific text and the report will display all requests that contain the searched text even if the field that contains the searched text is not allowed by the administrator (for example: If there is a Description in the request that contains the searched text but the administrator hasn’t allowed the Description field to be shown on the portal, the portal will still display that request as a result of your search).


    When searching through Summary, Description or other text column you do not have to enter the exact full value in order to find a request. The search will find all requests that contain your text even if it is only part of a word. For example: If you enter “note”, the search will find all request containing the word “note” but also those containing the word “notebook”.

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    When searching by Issue Key (Reference) or Reporter you need to input the exact full value of the field in order the searched requests to be filtered.

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    Advanced Requests Report → Customer portal


    As a JSM Help Center customer, you can search for empty value of a text field.

    For example, if you want to search for all requests that have the Summary field empty: click on More filters → search and add Summary filter → click on Search button without adding any text.


    → Click on More filters and add Summary

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    → Click on Search button

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