How to check "configuration failed to save" errors

How to check "configuration failed to save" errors

This article shows possible steps to figure out the reason why the configuration of “Advanced Portal Reports” fails to save.


This error is most probably caused by the fact that you’re not an admin in the project you are trying to configure. Check whether you actually have admin permissions for your user in the project you are using.

You can also do that check using the following REST call:


Set admin rights for your user for the project and try again.

Another possible problem might be that your browser session has expired - try reloading the page (and re-authenticate if needed).

If the problem still occurs, check your browser log for more details - How to export the browser log messages

Another possible cause (especially if only one of the save actions failed) might be that the Jira addon property we use to store the project configuration has run out of space. Atlassian poses a limitation of 32KB per addon property and in case you have many projects with many columns selected, the space might run out. You can go to projects that you don’t use that often and start deselecting columns from the first section in the configuration and then save. This action will remove values from the configuration (thus making the property shorter and taking less size) and then you will be able to add the ones you want in the other projects.

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