How to check the server Jira logs

How to check the server Jira logs

Export the logs

Go to Settings and then Troubleshooting and Support Tools and Create support zip, select Customize zip, select the properties as shown on the screenshot (the last two are the most important), generate the zip file by clicking on Create zip. After the process is complete, click Download zip.


How to enable debug logs for Advanced Portal Reports

  1. Go to SettingsSystem and then Logging and profiling. This is the section in which you can set the package with debug level logging. After that you should scroll down.

  2. In the Default Loggers section you should click on Configure and set the package name and logging level.

  3. In Package name text field you should write the package name provided by the vendor and the Logging level has to be set to DEBUG. You can start by adding bg.nemetschek

  4. You should see the package logging section

  5. Repeat the same process to add the following packages: bg.nemetschek.jsd.db and bg.nemetschek.services

  6. After you setup the packages and logging level you should run your test and recreate the issue. Export the logs as described in section Export the logs above - How to check the server Jira logs | Export the logs

  7. After the issue is resolved you should turn off the logging for that package. If needed again in the future, you can simply enable it from here.