How to figure out why searching by specific Request Types/ Customer request status doesn't work

Sometimes when you select a specific Request type from the search dropdown, you get a messages “An error occurred while searching for customer requests:…..errorMessages: “There are no customer requests that match Request Type A. Use the JQL auto suggestions to find the customer request type you’re looking for.” This will be followed by the actual JQL that Advanced Reports is trying to execute. You can copy this JQL and try to run it manually in the “Search Issues” functionality of Jira. Hopefully the error there can give you more details about the cause of the problem. The JQL auto completion can also hint you the correct request type name you should use so that can also help with identifying the problem. Also don’t forget to test with other request types, if you have this problem only with a limited set of request types, it most probably mean there is something wrong with their names.


We have the two most common reasons for this problem described in this article. If these two are not applicable for you and running the JQL doesn’t give you the answer you are looking for, please contact us and send us the results of running the JQL manually (included the auto suggested request type name from Jira) and the error you’re seeing in Advanced Reports.

Incorrect Request Type Name

Check whether your request type name has any trailing spaces at the beginning or at the end. If it does, remove all trailing spaces:
e.g. “Request Type A “, “ Request Type A“ or “ Request Type A “ should be “Request Type A”

Translated Request Type/ Customer Request Status

If you have a translation for a certain Request Type/ Customer Request Status and you switch to this language in Jira Service Desk, you might experience some problems searching using this Request Type/Customer Request Status in Advanced Portal Reports. This is due to the fact that Atlassian doesn’t support JQL searching by request type id but only by request type name. However they are not providing a way to get the actual value of the Request Type/ Customer Request Status, their API returns the current translation of the request type which is not a valid option for searching.

In order to fix this problem, you have to go to the translation configuration (1) and remove the Request Type/Customer Request Status translated name, you may safely leave it empty (2).