Manage Tempo integration

Manage Tempo integration

As a JSM administrator, you have the option to integrate Tempo API Token with Worklog Report.

If you are using billable hours in Tempo and you only want to show billable hours to the customers on the JSM portal, Worklog Report needs to be integrated with Tempo to retrieve Billable hours from Tempo Timesheets.

Worklog Report uses the Tempo REST API to retrieve the data your permissions give you access to.

→ In order to do so, you need to generate a Tempo OAuth 2.0 token.

Go to Jira menu Apps → select Tempo → select Settings.

After clicking on Confirm your token will be displayed to you. Please note that this token will be displayed to you only ONCE. It’s crucial that you copy and securely store the token in a safe space.

step 1: Select Settings in Tempo


→ Select API integration → select New Token enter custom name for the Token.

step 2: Select API Integration in Tempo


Select Custom Access → select Worklogs scope: View worklogs checkbox → click Confirm.

step 3: Select Custom Access → select Worklogs scope: View worklogs in Tempo


→ Successful flag appears → Copy to clipboard the generated API Token.

step 4: Generated New Token in Tempo


After copying the generated API Token:

→ Go to Worklog Report Global configurationManage Tempo integration → place the generated Tempo API Token in the text field and click on Add button.

step 5: Worklog Report: Manage Tempo integration 

→ If the Tempo API Token is integrated successfully → Successful flag appears.

Worklog Report: Manage Tempo integration 

→ In order to Revoke the integration, you need to click on Revoke integration button → Confurmation dialog appears → Click on Yes button → Successful flag appears.

Worklog Report: Manage Tempo integration 
Worklog Report: Manage Tempo integration 

Tempo API Token has expiration period. After the period Tempo API Token will no longer be active. Worklog Report global configuration shows error massage: Invalid API Token! Please check for expired or missing API Token!

Worklog Report: Manage Tempo integration 

As a JSM administrator, from global configuration you can select the Jira Service Management project you want to see Worklog Report for:

→ In order to do so, from Global configuration: Go to tab → Select project to configure → Select Jira Service Management project you want to configure Worklog Report for → Click Go to project.

Access project-3.png
Worklog Report: Global configuration 


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