Documentation: Worklog Report - Customer Requests Worklog Portal Report


Worklog Report: Customer Requests Worklog Portal Report

The easiest way to inform customers on the JSM portal for the time spent on their requests.

With Worklog Report you can easily share details on the JSM Portal about the time logged on customer requests. There is an option to integrate with Tempo and show billable hours only.

Worklog Report

The report can be found above the Requests list on the JSM portal. Customers can see details about individual work logs per request and total sum of logged hours. There is an option to integrate with Tempo and show billable hours only.

Customer portal: Requests list

Requests list filtering and export

Portal customers can filter the requests list by project, status, date period, creator or request type and export the requests list in Excel.

Administrator control in Jira project configuration

Enable or disable customers access to the report. Give access to specific users only. Select which fields to show to customers. If you are using billable hours in Tempo, you have the option to integrate with Tempo and only show billable hours to your customers on the JSM portal.

CJSM project administrator and JSM Help Center customer can access and export Worklog Report on Customer portal from the Requests list..png
Customer portal: Requests list → Worklog Report
Worklog Report: Project configuration → Tempo billable hours

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