Updating the app

Updating the app

New app versions are published to the Marketplace within a few minutes of changes being released to production.

Automatic update

If the changes do not require manual customer approval, they are automatically deployed to all customer instances within a few minutes.

Manual update

Certain scenarios require customers to manually approve the app's update (for ex. in case it involves additional scopes).

To update the app manually:

  1. Log into your Atlassian application as a user with administrative privileges. 

  2. From the top navigation bar in your application, choose Apps > Manage apps.

  3. From the dropdown that is defaulted to User-installed, choose Action required.

  4. Locate the app you want to update.

  5. Click the Update button next to the app you want to update.
    This will download and apply the latest version of the app. When finished, a success message appears.

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