Planning directly on the TimeLine

Planning directly on the TimeLine

Once managers open the TimeLine they will see Releases/Epics on the annual schedule. If Releases/Epics are not yet scheduled (or not fully scheduled) then they are represented with a dotted line. From this point managers can manually drag & drop the bars to re-arrange the schedule.


Using Drag & Drop to schedule

If you want to move a Release/Epic bar on your timeline or you want to change its length, you can do that by simply dragging and dropping it.

What this drag & drop will do is change the start and end dates of the Release/Epic and re-schedule it.

  1. Select a Release/Epic on Project TimeLine

  2. Click on the grip and move left/right. Hover shows start/end dates that change

  3. Drop the grip and accept the change

  4. Release/Epic is re-scheduled on the point of drop

Warning: If you have selected the Epic to automatically take the start/end dates from Jira date fields, re-planning on TimeLine will override the Jira field as well.


Auto-Scheduling options for Epics


By linking to Releases

The manual planning with drag & drop may be an overhead for Agile teams. That is why by default Epics are auto-scheduled according to the Releases they belong to:

  • Epicā€™s start date = the earliest start date of its Releases

  • Epicā€™s end date = the latest end date of its Releases

This link to Releases can be switched OFF by deselecting ā€œGet dates from Releasesā€œ in the Plan dialog or if you manually change the start/end dates - then the auto-schedule option is switched off.


By linking to Jira date fields

The other option is to link Epicā€™s start and end dates to Jira date fields. You can read how to do that here: Configure TimeLine according to your management approach.

If the Auto-Schedule is enabled, then the hover next to Schedule shows which scheduling option is currently enabled.