As a JSM Help Center customer, you can use My Tasks on the JSM customer portal for every request you are the Reporter or Creator of.
On a Customer Portal
→ If click on Save to My Tasks -requestwill be added to a My added tasks listin My Tasks.→ If click on Go to My Tasks -will redirect to My TasksMy Tasks request lists on the Customer Portal can be asses under the profile menu My Tasks. There are three request lists, each with a different automated sorting criterion, and one that is manually added by the customer.
To Comment:
This is a list with all requests which might expect an answer from you.Status colour Blue title AUTOMATICALLY ADDED TASKS To Approve:
This is a list with all requests requiring your approval.Status colour Blue title AUTOMATICALLY ADDED TASKS To Transition:
This is a list with all requests you can transition to another step in the workflow.Status colour Blue title AUTOMATICALLY ADDED TASKS My added tasks:
This is a list with all requests you saved to My tasks. - My added tasks list is a personal group of requests that the customer has added themselves.Status colour Green title MANUALLY added tasks